As its popularity soared following its 2007 debut, Anne and Mark’s Art Party—an “occasional and irrational” celebration of art and creativity in Silicon Valley—outgrew its original location in a private home and, later, a small industrial building. In 2014, the art show engaged Steve Polcyn as exhibition space designer to transform a 30,000 square foot warehouse at the Santa Clara County Fairgrounds into a gallery and venue for a six-day juried art show featuring 300+ artists and 5,000+ guests.
Challenges included making sure all displayed art was visible from an appropriate angle and distance and properly lighting the artworks with a series of modular fixtures secured to an overhead structural grid that stabilized the 12-foot high temporary walls. Other features of the project included locating music venues, large-scale indoor and outdoor displays, and food and beverage locations along a circulation path that facilitated flow and interaction of guests moving in all directions of the plan. Feedback from the event organizers, visiting artists, Art Party guests, and art media was extraordinarily positive—they found the space inviting, highly functional, and appropriately social.
SIZE 30,000 SF
TYPE Art Gallery
Event Space
LOCATION San Jose, California